Summer Stone Fruit and Yogurt Breakfast Bowls with Hot Sauce-Honey and Nutty Granola |

Summer Stone Fruit and Yogurt Breakfast Bowls with Hot Sauce-Honey and Nutty Granola

Guess what?


So just slooooow down with the pumpkin and (gasp!) peppermint.

Yup, totally saw peppermint products in the grocery store yesterday. Seriously. I died a little inside.

I know I sound like a broken record with this shit. And I’m trying very hard not to be too preachy about it. But can we please all just stop and enjoy Summer while it’s still ACTUALLY SUMMER!?!?

OK. Thanks for listening. I’m done now.

In celebration of late Summer, I’m digging into these Summer Stone Fruit and Yogurt Breakfast Bowls with Hot Sauce-Honey and Nutty Granola on the regular. The markets are currently full to the brim with multiple varieties of plums, nectarines, peaches and cherries. And that makes for a very happy Liz. But I know this bounty won’t last much longer, so I can’t help but buy them all and put them to good use in recipes just like this one. Which might be overkill (you can stick to just one or two varieties of stone fruit!), but I’m like a kid in a candy store when it comes to sweet, juicy fruits.

Summer Stone Fruit and Yogurt Breakfast Bowls with Hot Sauce-Honey and Nutty Granola |

I love making my own granola at home when I have the time. And with stovetop versions, I pretty much ALWAYS have the time. Because they take only about 10 minutes to prepare. And they are easily customizable to whatever ingredients you happen to have on hand. This particular granola recipe was born out of one of my pre-vacation kitchen clean-out sessions. I love nuts. And at any given time, I have at least 8-10 different packages open and laying around. So in an effort to get rid of some of those, I dumped a bunch of nuts into my skillet with old-fashioned oats and a few other ingredients and VOILA – nutty granola was created! I typically buy unsalted nuts, so I’ve added salt to this recipe. But if you only have salted nuts, you might want to go easy on the additional salt.

But whatever you do, don’t go easy on the hot sauce-honey. Seriously, this stuff is so good and it pairs beautifully with the sweet stone fruits and cool, creamy yogurt. Don’t fear the heat!

Summer Stone Fruit and Yogurt Breakfast Bowls with Hot Sauce-Honey and Nutty Granola |

Since the actual breakfast bowls themselves require so few ingredients, I thought I’d give my recommendations on brands. This post isn’t sponsored. I’m just sharing what I’m using and loving, in case you want to do the same. For the hot sauce-honey, I used Rigoni di Asiago Italian Mandarin Honey and Cholula Chipotle Hot Sauce (I love the smokiness from the chipotle!). And for yogurt, I used Chobani Honey Whole Milk Greek Yogurt.

If you try out this recipe, please let me know. I’d love to hear about it! And tell me what other ways you’re savoring Summer this month!



Summer Stone Fruit and Yogurt Breakfast Bowls with Hot Sauce-Honey and Nutty Granola

Summer Stone Fruit and Yogurt Breakfast Bowls with Hot Sauce-Honey and Nutty Granola

At a Glance:
Yield: 6 servings
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes


For the Nutty Granola:

  • 1 1/2 cups old-fashioned oats
  • 1/2 cup walnuts, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup pecans, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup almonds, roughly chopped
  • 1/4 cup pistachios, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup raw honey
  • 1/2 cup dried coconut flakes

For the Hot Sauce-Honey:

  • 1/4 cup raw honey
  • 1 tsp. hot sauce

For the Yogurt Bowls:

  • Greek yogurt
  • Stone fruit, pitted and sliced
  • Fresh mint leaves


  1. In a dry non-stick skillet over medium heat, combine the oats, nuts, cinnamon and salt. Cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture is fragrant and toasty, about 4-5 minutes. Add the coconut oil and honey to the skillet, stirring to make sure everything is evenly coated, and cook for about 2 minutes more. Remove the skillet from the heat. Stir in the coconut flakes. Then scrape the granola out onto a parchment paper-line baking sheet to cool. Once fully cooled, the granola can be used or transferred to an airtight container for storage.
  2. Stir together the honey and the hot sauce. Set aside.
  3. To assemble the breakfast bowls, add yogurt and sliced stone fruit to a bowl. Top with some of the granola, a drizzle of hot sauce-honey and a few fresh mint leaves. Enjoy immediately.


16 comments on “Summer Stone Fruit and Yogurt Breakfast Bowls with Hot Sauce-Honey and Nutty Granola”

  1. Okay – can we just stop ‘summer is… um over’ talk? I think it starts because school is starting back up. But really, we’re officially still at least a month out! Days are still long, although the nights are getting chilly. But yes, let’s enjoy summer now, while it’s here! Besides, corn, peppers and local stone fruits are just coming in! (Um. just saw a thanksgiving table scape at kitchen store last week – I’z like – OMG! Really?) Now, about that spicy honey. What a deal! I’ve never thought about adding a kick to my breakfast bowls (and you know how much I love the spicy)! And of course, your genius stove-top granola – I’m all in! Gimme all the nuts! Welcome back Liz! xo

    • You gotta try a little spice in the morning. It’s a great way to wake up! And yes to savoring Summer as long as possible!

  2. I just cannot believe how gorgeous this is!!!!

  3. These pictures are beautiful! Such a perfect light and healthy breakfast for any day of the week! LOVE the idea of the hot sauce honey, will definitely have to give it a try!!

  4. LOL! I agree with Traci. HOLD ON TIGHT TO SUMMER! but also, feed me this. K?

  5. Don’t kill me, but I am so over summer. I’m ready for fall!! That being said these breakfast bowls reminded me just how good summer can be and I can’t wait to stock up on peaches and nectarines and give these a try! 🙂

  6. Hanging on to summer as long as possible! That hot sauce honey sounds amazing!

  7. I want this for breakfast! I’m loving every last peach lately – pumpkin can wait, in my opinion 🙂

  8. You got me hooked at “hot sauce honey” ?

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