Corn, Zucchini and Cantaloupe Salad with Prosciutto and Fresh Herbs |

Corn, Zucchini and Cantaloupe Salad with Prosciutto and Fresh Herbs

On Sunday, I leave for a 14-day trip to Portugal.

Please know that I tried to write that first sentence for about 10 minutes. But nothing poetic or eloquent ever came from my keyboard. I also didn’t want to risk “burying the lead”, as they say. So I just put it out there. A simple statement of fact. And I couldn’t be more excited.

Portugal is a place that I’ve never visited. And this trip is for a duration of time I haven’t “allowed” myself to take off in years. My only recent vacations have been work-related. And while those can certainly be fun and relaxing in their own way, let’s be honest, they aren’t true vacations by any measure.

So. Portugal here I come. I’m meeting a girlfriend and we’re taking in the whole country. I can’t wait to eat the food (obviously), see the beaches, learn about the people and so much more.

My goal is not to work while I’m overseas. But I will be around on Instagram, sharing tidbits here and there when the Wi-Fi allows. I hope you’ll follow along. And if anyone has any last minute must-see/must-do/must-eat suggestions, please drop me a line and let me know. I’d love to hear about them!

With my trip fast approaching, my mind has become an exceedingly busy place. I’m consumed with all the usual everyday stuff. Plus, I’m trying really hard not to forget anything essential, like my passport or camera. Lists and sticky notes have become my life.

Corn, Zucchini and Cantaloupe Salad with Prosciutto and Fresh Herbs |

The only other thing taking up real estate in my brain these days is this Corn, Zucchini and Cantaloupe Salad with Prosciutto and Fresh Herbs. It’s a recipe that I created a couple of weeks ago, and I can’t stop making it, eating it and thinking about it. It’s the best of Summer, filled to the brim with wonderful seasonal produce. And it has just enough salty prosciutto to make it feel kind of luxurious. Prosciutto is an item that I don’t buy often, as I’ve given up most pork products over this last year. But I must admit, it tastes mighty fine in this salad. It was certainly worth the splurge.

I’ve recently become kind of obsessed with this buttermilk dressing from Stonewall Kitchen, and it’s what I used in my version of this salad. But any buttermilk or ranch dressing would provide an excellent creamy component. So just use your favorite homemade or store bought version. It’s all good!

Corn, Zucchini and Cantaloupe Salad with Prosciutto and Fresh Herbs |

This Corn, Zucchini and Cantaloupe Salad with Prosciutto and Fresh Herbs is a snap to toss together, so I’m sharing it as part of our monthly 30 Minute Thursday recipe round-up (links below for more quick and easy recipes!). I hope you get the chance to give it a try before Summer’s over.

OK, friends. I’m out for a couple weeks. Stay cool and safe. I’ll be back towards the end of August!



Corn, Zucchini and Cantaloupe Salad with Prosciutto and Fresh Herbs

Corn, Zucchini and Cantaloupe Salad with Prosciutto and Fresh Herbs

At a Glance:
Yield: 4 servings
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes


  • 4 cups cubed cantaloupe
  • 2 ears of cooked corn, kernels sliced off
  • 1 medium zucchini, trimmed and peeled into ribbons
  • 2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes
  • 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, torn
  • 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves, torn
  • 3 ounces prosciutto, cut into strips and rolled
  • About 2-3 tablespoons buttermilk dressing


  1. Add the cantaloupe, corn kernels and zucchini ribbons to a large bowl. Drizzle with the olive oil and sprinkle with the salt, black pepper and red pepper flakes. Toss to combine. Add the basil and mint leaves, tossing gently to combine.
  2. Transfer the salad to a serving bowl or plate. Add the rolled prosciutto. Drizzle with the buttermilk dressing. Serve immediately.

30 Minute Thursday Recipes

Guacamole Pita Pizzas from She Likes Food

Italian Chicken Salad from Pumpkin N’ Spice

Quinoa Corn Chowder from The Recipe Rebel

Teriyaki Salmon Foil Pockets from Life Made Sweeter

32 comments on “Corn, Zucchini and Cantaloupe Salad with Prosciutto and Fresh Herbs”

  1. Portugal sounds amazing! I hope you have a great time! And this salad is gorgeous…I love corn salads, so the addition of cantaloupe and prosciutto sounds amazing. Perfect for the summer!

  2. Have SO much fun! You deserve to take a non work trip and it sounds like this one is going to be a dream, so enjoy it! also, if you even need another travel partner to take a no work vaca, I’m going to volunteer myself as tribute 🙂 xoxo

  3. Love the sweetness from the cantaloupe and the sweet corn! And those fresh herbs- yum 🙂 My parents went to Portugal shortly after they were married and loved it, enjoy!

  4. This is such a gorgeous salad, and so refreshing for summer- have the best time on your trip!

  5. So many textures and flavors–sounds incredible!!

  6. This is gorgeous! I can’t get over how delicious these flavors look! The combination of melon and prosciutto is my favorite! Cannot wait to give this a try!

  7. What a great salad combination. I was just thinking of making prosciutto and melon apps but honestly, I’d rather make this salad. So much more fun.

  8. Fantastic salad and I’ll be expecting loads of IG pics from Portugal!!!

  9. Oh my goodness, Liz!! I’m over the moon for you and your vacation! Hooray! And what a fabulous place to explore… I hope to make it there some day. I’m so excited about the inspiration you’ll return with and share with us. I’ll be checking in on your stories! Unplugging otherwise is a must… rest and explore – soak it all in, Liz! I’m loving the flavors in this salad. The combination of cantaloupe and corn shouts summer… local corn is almost ready as are tomatoes. I can hardly wait to find a cantaloupe and make this salad happen! Delicious work, Liz! All my best for a fabulous trip and new, exciting experiences every single day! YeeeHaaaw!!

  10. Liz- have the most wonderful vacation- enjoy every minute! And what a gorgeous salad!

  11. LOL! I can’t ever think of first sentences. But I would say this…. HECK YA I’M GOING ON VACATION! p.s you just combined all my fav summer flavors in a salad

  12. This is beautiful! Have a wonderful trip.

  13. Portugal would be so much fun, have a wonderful trip, Liz! I love everything in this salad, it’s gorgeous!!

  14. Have so much fun in Portugal!!! That’s awesome you are taking a vacation and I hope you take lots of pictures so I can live vicariously through you! Also, this salad looks so pretty and delicious! I want to sit on the porch and eat it with a glass of chilled wine 🙂

  15. Has anyone TRIED this?

    • I know several people who have made it with great success. If you try it, please let me know your thoughts!

  16. The zuch is uncooked, right?  Have to try this!

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