Double Chocolate Guinness Muffins

I’m just here to make sure we can all enjoy chocolate and beer at breakfast time.

It’s a tough job. But somebody’s got to do it.

These Double Chocolate Guinness Muffins are wonderfully soft and delicious. And while they don’t taste strongly of Guinness, they do taste strongly of chocolate. And that’s pretty darn cool. I dare you to try and eat just one. I didn’t stop until two. OK, three. Possibly four. Don’t judge me!

Truth be told, these babies are kind of teeter tottering on cupcake status. But don’t tell anyone. Let’s keep some secrets between us. It’s way more fun that way.


Yesterday I had the pleasure of having brunch with Carrie and Nicole, a couple other New England-based food bloggers. The thing I like so much about brunch is that you can usually get away with eating foods that you would never normally consider acceptable at breakfast time. Like duck fat french fries. And champagne. Yeah, we had both of those things. And also perhaps chocolate and beer disguised as a muffin. Just saying.



Double Chocolate Guinness Muffins

Yield: Makes 12 muffins

Double Chocolate Guinness Muffins


  • 1/2 cup (8 tablespoons), unsalted butter, melted and cooled
  • 1/2 cup Guinness stout beer
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cups sugar
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 3/4 tsp. salt
  • 1 1/4 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips


  1. Pre-heat your oven to 375 degrees. Line a standard 12-cup muffin tin with liners or coat with non-stick cooking spray. Set aside.
  2. In your stand mixer with the paddle attachment, beat the butter, Guinness and eggs on medium speed until combined. With the mixer on low speed, slowly add in the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt, beating until the dry ingredients are just incorporated. Fold in the chocolate chips.
  3. Scoop the muffin batter into your prepared muffin tin, dividing the batter evenly between the 12 cups. Transfer to your pre-heated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Allow the muffins to cool in their tin for about 10 minutes, then remove and transfer them to a wire rack to continue cooling.
  4. Muffins can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container for 2-3 days.

74 comments on “Double Chocolate Guinness Muffins”

  1. These muffins look fantastic, Liz! I’m loving all of the guinness inspired recipes that I’m seeing, and this one sounds so delicious!

  2. Liz, chocolate and beer for breakfast or brunch? I’m on board, yo. and yes to duck fat french fries. . love that you got together with fellow bloggers for brunch. . I love Carrie. . and yeah, muffins, cupcakes, cupfins, muffcakes. . ok that was bad. . call them whatever you want. . these are fabulous!

  3. Duck fat french fries? You totally went to Duck Fat, didn’t you. These look like a great way to get two of the major food groups (beer & chocolate) into my morning. You go girl

    • Wait, there is a restaurant called Duck Fat? I need to find that ASAP! That’s my next brunch location for sure! Glad you are on board with beer and chocolate in the morning. I knew we were friends for a reason!

  4. Your brunch sounds a.) indulgent (yes!) and b.) perfect! Haul yo butt to the Midwest and we can brunch it up Wisconsin style (bloody marys and lots of fried potatoes, yes pleaseeee). Also, anytime I can do booze and chocolate in one at breakfast is a win, win WIN for me!

  5. Chocolate and beer for breakfast sounds like the best way to cope with a Monday after losing an extra hour of sleep! These muffins look amazing and the fact that they taste more like cupcakes makes them even more irresistible!

    • Right? I really could use a pick me up right now. Although I’m pretty happy to be able to photograph things after 3pm now! It’s a trade off I suppose! 🙂

  6. Yeeeehaaaaw you are rocking the St. Paddy’s day treats and I’m loving it! These muffs are right up my alley because: Guinness (aka most delicious beer on earth). I love that these are borderline cupcakes, which is exactly how I like my muffins to be. Pretty much anything that goes in a muffin tray I call muffins, even if they’re decadent as all getout. Happy Monday, bring on the Guinness muffs!

  7. Ooh la la, look at all this chocolatey goodness, and that stout has to make it taste even more chocolatey! These muffins look amazing, Liz! 🙂

  8. Chocolate and beer for breakfast? You’re my kind of girl! 😉 These look amazing, Liz!

  9. This right here is why we’re friends. Sign me up for booze and chocolate for breakfast!

  10. I’ll take any excuse to have a beer and chocolate for breakfast! These muffins are going to happen, you better believe it. Thanks for sharing the fabulous recipe, Liz!

  11. Chocolate and beer for breakfast? Yes please! I actually have some Guinness left over from my stew last week. Can’t wait to make these!

  12. These muffins look amazing, Liz! Love the chocolate and Guinness – such a great flavour combo!

  13. I love the sound of these! Can’t go wrong with chocolate and beer for breakfast 🙂

  14. Chocolate and beer for breakfast? You are officially my hero. Also, let’s do some duck fat and champagne on the side, just for good measure.

  15. These look amazing and I love how you totally packed them with chocolate chips… that’s the way to go! 🙂

    • Yes, they are packed with chocolate chips. I actually asked my mom if she thought there were too many and she said “no, that’s what makes them good”. Ha ha ha! Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  16. I’m all for beer and chocolate for breakfast! I love that these are so easy yet so delicious!

  17. I saw your pic pop up on pinterest and was drooling a bit 🙂 I love adding beer to crepes too! Beer adds extra fluffiness I feel.

  18. Wellllll hello stud muffins!!! These can be stud muffins – they’re part beer, right? *drool*

  19. There’s no shame in a little extra “testing”… it’s for research purposes of course! 😉 These muffins look crazy delicious… I need to make these ASAP!!

  20. Nope, I don’t want them to be cupcakes. Let’s keep them as muffins so I can have beer for breakfast! Sounds like a perfect St. Patty’s Day! 🙂

    • Ha ha! Love your reasoning. Ok, let’s pretend that I never said that whole mess about the cupcake business!

  21. Beer for breakfast! I think I could only do it in muffin or scone form. Lucky for me, you’ve made it possible with these!

  22. Um, yeah. All the double chocolate goodness colliding with beer for breakfast? I am SO IN. These muffins look fabulous, Liz! I will take 10 dozen please and thank you. 😉

  23. SO much chocolate in there!!! I’d definitely down a few of these for breakfast and not even blink an eye…

  24. These sound awesome! And your brunch sounds amazing … duck fat french fries and champagne? SIgn me up! When are we getting brunch together?! 😉

  25. Haha, yea, chocolate and beer muffins for breakfast is how we roll. And omg, duck fat french fries. Who comes up with delicious things like that??

  26. Oh my! These look so decadent Liz! I can really have Guinness and chocolate for breakfast??? Wow! I can’t get over all those chocolate chips you’ve crammed in there!

  27. How fun are these muffins!! I made stout brownies and cake before but never muffins! I need to get on this.

  28. So jealous you are meeting and hanging out with all these food bloggers I love!! These muffins sound just right!!

  29. These look fantastic, and your trip looks even more fantastic. These muffins are perfection!

  30. Beer and Chocolate? That’s my kind of breakfast and you are my kind of girl!

  31. Get in my mouth!!! That-tis all. Seriously Liz, these muffins are magnificent!!!!

  32. How amazing do these muffins look!! Love the chocolate and stout combo – these are so deliciously decadent muffins 🙂

  33. What an absolutely stunning photo that first one is! I’m definitely drooling over here – love those fantastic flavours!

  34. HOLY COW, THESE MUFFINS! Making them this weekend for sure! Thanks for sharing!

  35. Liz these muffins sound so good!! Decadent and delicious! Beer is now a breakfast food! Yay!

  36. Hi Liz . do you think I can use some chocolate stout instead of the stout since these are all chocolate muffins after all

  37. I think so too it will be super delicious Liz

  38. Pingback: 17 Ways to Get Your Guinness Fix - The Sweetest Occasion — The Sweetest Occasion

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