Super Chunky Maple Pecan Quinoa Granola |

Super Chunky Maple Pecan Quinoa Granola

This post was originally published here August 17, 2015. I’ve since adjusted the recipe slightly and updated the text and photographs to reflect those changes.

For probably 15+ years of my life I made dieting resolutions at the start of the new year. Always thinking that THIS was the year that was going to be different. That I’d finally be able to give up sugar or lose 20 pounds or insert whatever else was trending at the time.

News flash. I was wrong. And all I ever ended up doing was torturing myself.

The last few years I’ve tried to break that mindset and re-focus my attention towards more positive actions. So instead of “what do I need to lose” I try and think about “what can I add”.

Super Chunky Maple Pecan Quinoa Granola |

As I was going through my refrigerator and pantry the first week of January, I noticed I had accumulated a lot of processed food items during the months of November and December. Things like salad dressings, cereals, jams, etc. All things that I can easily make myself. But with the craziness of the Holidays, I got a bit lazy. And in those hectic moments, it just seemed easier to reach for those convenience items rather than spend MORE time prepping even MORE food.

Hey. It happens to the best of us. I was in full-blown Christmas cookie mode. Everything else took a backseat.

So I’m trying to get back the wagon and replace those convenience items with homemade versions. Like my Super Chunky Maple Pecan Quinoa Granola.

Super Chunky Maple Pecan Quinoa Granola |

Gosh. I forgot how much I absolutely adore homemade granola. It’s so much tastier than anything you can get from the grocery store. And I’ve yet to ever find a pre-packaged granola that has the BIG pieces that I crave. I like something I can really sink my teeth into. Or break up with my spoon as I’m stirring my yogurt/milk. Or even just to be able to grab a hunk and eat it over the sink.

This Super Chunky Maple Pecan Quinoa Granola has all that.

The trick to getting big pieces is to not stir the granola during baking. I know, I know. You’re going want to stir it. But resist the urge. Keep your hands to yourself and I promise it won’t burn. And you’ll be rewarded for your efforts!



Super Chunky Maple Pecan Quinoa Granola

Super Chunky Maple Pecan Quinoa Granola

At a Glance:
Yield: Makes about 6 cups
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes


  • 3 cups old fashion oats, divided
  • 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1 cup pecans, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract


  1. Pre-heat your oven to 300 degrees. Spray a large rimmed baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray and set aside.
  2. Add 1 cup of the oats to the bowl of your food processor fitted with the blade attachment. Process until the oats are finely ground into a flour-like consistency. Then transfer the oat flour into a large bowl. Add the remaining 2 cups of unprocessed oats and the rest of the dry ingredients. Stir to combine and set aside.
  3. Stir together the coconut oil, maple syrup and vanilla extra. Pour this mixture over the dry ingredients, stirring until all the dry ingredients are well moistened. Dump the granola into your prepared baking sheet. Then press it down firmly into an even layer. 
  4. Transfer the baking sheet to your pre-heated oven and bake the granola for 40 minutes. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool completely. 
  5. Once the granola is completely cooled, use a metal spatula or spoon to lift the granola away from one corner of the baking sheet. It should begin to lift off large pieces/sheets. Use your hands to break down those pieces even further, if desired. 
  6. Granola can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for several weeks.

59 comments on “Super Chunky Maple Pecan Quinoa Granola”

  1. Yum!! That granola sounds so good. I’ve been wanting to try Ellie Quark but I haven’t seen it at the grocery stores near me yet!

    • Make sure to check out their store locator. It’s becoming more widely available now and hopefully it will be near you soon!

  2. Gotta try the yogurt with this granola, sounds like the perfect breakfast or snack!

  3. I have been seeing Elli Quark popping up everywhere, and I have been DYING to try it!
    This QUINOA granola is amazing! I would have never thought to use quinoa, and I’m totally diggin it! Pinned!

  4. Oh this granola sounds fantastic, Liz! Quinoa granola is on my list to make and it sounds delicious when paired with Elli Quark! Love this snack!

  5. Maple pecan is my go to granola! This is so good, Liz. Love how you incorporated chia and baked the granola low and slow… perfect for clustering! I’ll have to check out Elli Quark. Looks like a perfect pairing with granola and blueberries! xx

  6. Hello happy dance! Feelin’ it. Your photos are killing it, too, love.

  7. I will happy dance too for the perfect granola!! And it’s so perfect with the quark for any snack.

  8. I am all about that hands off granola! I always get too lazy and don’t stir it while it’s baking, which may result in it getting burned buuuut, you solved all my problems with this recipe!

  9. Wow the flavors of this are soooo good. I want a bowl everyday.

  10. I love granola all day long Liz! I love your addition of the quinoa. I will definitely have to try! Have a great week!

  11. Well, I would gladly take buckets of this granola this morning! Love the maple and pecan addition!! xoxo

  12. Liz, this has GOT to be the most gorgeous granola ON PLANET EARTH! Not only that, I loooove that its super crunchy and easy peasy! Plus it is loaded with coconut, maple and pecans!? Granola winning! This is something I could nosh on ALL day long! Loves it! Pinned! Cheers, girlfriend! And thanks for sharing your perfected granola secrets! <3

  13. Haven’t had breakfast yet and you’re making me crave some granola!!! Sounds delicious!

  14. Liz, first off . . love this granola! love the quinoa and chia seeds! I’m intrigued by the Elli Quark spoonable fresh cheese . . love that it’s made with Non-GMO ingredients!! Does it taste like yogurt?

    • It’s taste a bit like Greek yogurt. It’s thick and creamy, but a little less sour. I hope you give it a try, Alice!

  15. This sounds awesome, Liz! Those crunchy bits sound to die for. I’ll have to try out your method.

  16. This looks amazing! I love granola in the summertime, it’s so perfect with fresh fruit and coconut yogurt 🙂

  17. Liz, this granola is so creative and your photos are gorgeous! I love the quinoa in here! I keep hearing about this Elli Quark and it’s not yet available at my regular stores. I’m going to have to make a special trip to EarthFare or Whole Foods to pick some up because those flavors sound amazing!

  18. I’m definitely gonna make this when the temperature drops. Too hot to turn on the oven right now!

    Previously when making granola, I used a silicon baking sheet on the bottom of my baking sheet/pan. Worked great! No sticking, so the granola was easy to remove.

    Question – have you tried cooked quinoa in the recipe? or only uncooked, and why? Just curious.

    • Yeah, you could definitely use a silicon baking sheet or parchment paper to line your baking sheet/pan. It works great! I used uncooked quinoa because it’s easier and because it provides some added crunch to the granola. I haven’t tried this recipe with cooked granola yet.

  19. This looks like perfect granola and maple granola is my absolute favourite. Will be trying this!

  20. I do the same thing with my granola, grind some of the oats to make a “flour” that becomes more sticky. I like coconut milk to moisten, too.

    Great post!

  21. I suspect that in figuring out a recipe for your dream granola, you also figured out how to make mine as well. Loving everything about this!

  22. That’s such a great idea to process some of the oats to act as a binder! This granola looks amazing. 🙂

  23. Quinoa in granola is awesome because the size of the grain is so different that when it cooks it has such a unique texture 🙂 Love this!

  24. Liz, I can totally see why this granola is your pride and joy! And please send me a batch, ASAP 🙂

  25. I always make a big batch of granola to snack on and add to yogurt. I love the maple pecan flavor and can’t wait to try this recipe!

  26. I am obsessed with those big granola chunks! Bravo my friend! That is the best part of granola. Going to give your tips a try!

  27. This sounds great! I love making homemade granola, but have never tried using quinoa. I am pinning this and I’m going to give it a try soon! It sounds delicious. 🙂

  28. Pingback: 15 Vegan Quinoa Recipes - Vegan Food Lover

  29. What a gorgeous update Liz…and I can SO relate on conveniences during the holidays. I feel like when I was much younger, I made ridiculous resolutions because so many other people did. I just did it without really thinking about it. When really, setting goals year round is much healthier… not just once a year because it’s a new year! lol!

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