What’s the one piece of equipment in your kitchen that is the most underutilized? For me, I would have to guess it’s my slow cooker. I think it’s because it’s too big to fit...
You know how when you hear of something that you’ve never heard of before, and then suddenly you can’t seem to stop hearing about it. Well, that happened to me this past week. With...
I’m no stranger to infusing my own liquors at home. It’s a really fun way to give standard, store bought spirits some fun flavors and a touch of personality. In addition, they make fantastic...
Cheese + noodles + beer = AMAZING! But you all ready knew that, right? Because what could possibly go wrong with that combination? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Ok, maybe one thing could go wrong. I...
I’ve been having a serious craving for chicken salad all week long. Which is an odd thing to want to eat in January. Chicken salad is for summer picnics and pool parties. Not for the dead...
Welcome to Floating Kitchen! This creative space is where I share my passion for food and photography. I am inspired by real, seasonal ingredients. And I love to experiment in the kitchen!